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A Potency Test, or Cannabinoid Screen, uses High Pressure Liquid Chromatography to identify different compounds. Better understanding the profiles of 14 different Cannabinoids means patients can more accurately dose, and personalize their medicine.
Terpene profiles are responsible for the aroma and color of marijuana. These compounds are naturally occurring and have been observed to treat a variety of ailments. The combination of terpenes and Cannabinoids is commonly referred to as the "Entourage Effect".
Concentrate products are created in a multitude of ways, commonly using a solvent to extract the active compounds found in Cannabis plants. Extraction creates a potential for residual solvents to remain in the finished product in concentrated doses. Test results guarantee the product is free of unwanted compounds.
Due to the frequently oral consumption methods of Cannabis, maintaining a clean product is essential in patient health. Using Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR), we test products to ensure they are safe for market. qPCR is a precise and rapid method that allows Level One to detect the DNA of contaminants including: E. Coli, Salmonella, Aspergillus, Total Yeast and Mold, as well as Total Aerobic Bacteria.
Like most agriculture production, pesticides are a tool commonly used to minimize insects. While food-grade pesticides are designed to be safe when consumed, their chemical compounds often change after combustion. Guarantee your product is free from pesticides with lab results.
Mold and fungus thrives on decaying organic matter, which is why proper plant handling is critical after harvest. Dried product that has moisture content higher than 12% is susceptible to molds. Maintaining a proper moisture content is important for shelf life of product.
The old school, tried and true method of patients since the discovery of Cannabis. Cannabis can be smoked out of various pipes and rolling papers. The effects of Cannabis vary, but smoking typically creates a high for 2-4 hours with instant effects. The odor released from smoking flower is commonly pungent and identifiable. Prop 203 allows patients to smoke within their residence.
For various reasons, certain patients prefer to have no smoke/vapor involved in their usage. Edibles affect everyone differently, having a significant effect for some and no effect for others. They offer a discreet, odorless consumption method with lasting effects. As with all medicine, make sure children's access is restricted.
Vaporizing, or vaping, is becoming increasingly popular among patients for both flower and concentrates. Vaporizers for flower are routinely pricey, however they allow patients to adjust the temperature to their preferred setting.
Vaping concentrates is routinely done through the use of replaceable cartridges and a battery unit it attaches to. The odor that comes from vapor is very different from smoking flower, and is difficult to identify as Cannabis.
Certain products are designed to be applied directly to an affected area. Creams, lotions, bath bombs, chapsticks, lubricants, dermal patches and many more have been infused with THC and/or CBD to help patients. If you are looking for a unique way to get your medicine, talk to your local dispensary about what topicals they carry and their effects.
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